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Quizlet Reviews





40 Studies LINK

**Lots of practice test questions for each chapter!

(it is not our same textbook but the topics are comparable)

PRACTICE Multiple Choice Test Questions for EACH Unit! 













Mrs. Sarah Melvin                                                                                            Amador Valley High School                     

Webpage:                                                email:

Office Hours/Test Makeups: Access period,                                                    remind: @hek2d to 81010                    

before school (M, T, R, F), after school (T, R)        


*AP Psychology TEST DATE!:  Monday, May 7, 2018

Course Materials: Course Textbook:  Weiten, Wayne. (2007). Psychology: Themes and Variations (7th


Supplemental:  Hock, Roger. Forty Studies That Changed Psychology (fifth edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2005.


Video Series:  Discovering Psychology. (2001). Video Series. Annenberg/CPB Multimedia Collection.




Spiral Notebook: A spiral bound notebook is suggested for the 40 Studies and video assignments. This notebook will be kept in the classroom and scored quarterly.


Course Binder: A binder containing loose-leaf college ruled paper (spiral bound edges prohibited in this class) should be brought to class daily (note: this may be a section of a larger binder for other classes). Assignments and notes will be kept in the binder in the order that they are done.  A table of contents will be kept on the class webpage and in the front of the room.


Google Classroom: Please enroll in the US History Google Classroom for this course using your period code. Class and homework assignments are often completed and submitted through Classroom.

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Remind texts, push notifications, or emails: Please sign up to get reminders, tips, and/or messages through Remind. Follow directions in the PDF on the webpage for push notifications and emails (, or text: @hek2d to 81010.


Notecards/Flashcards: Students are strongly encouraged to create flashcards for the terms in each chapter.  Students will need to bring cards to class for activities and will receive points for their cards.  Cards for each unit/chapter of study can be kept on a ring and then moved to a box when the given unit is completed. As there are over 400 required vocabulary terms to know for this class, the flashcards will be a valuable study tool throughout the year.


Study Guide: Students are encouraged to purchase their own study guide for taking the A.P. Psychology Exam.  (Examples:  The Princeton Review:  Cracking the AP Psychology Exam, or Five Steps to A 5, etc.)

**This is not the complete syllabus. 



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